Leeches on human body: Expectation vs reality

leech therapy 

Having a leech sticking to our body and sucking our blood seems to be a nightmare. Being a parasite, a leech needs some host to survive. Even with these horrors, leeches are used to provide medicinal help to people. Leech therapy is an ancient technic used way back before 2500 years ago to treat a wide range of health problems from headaches to curing clots in the body and even veins.

In the modern medicine world, leeches are used in many applications during surgeries to suck out old blood from a body part that is yet to be reattached or to be treated. If leeches aren't used for this purpose doctors have to arrange some other procedure which is often ineffective when compared to this natural method. Leeches have the ability to suck blood slowly and steadily, and also leeches secrete a particular chemical called hirudin that stops blood from clotting. This particular naturally occurring chemical is under research to treat heart attacks and blood clotting problems. The modern-day science also uses these leeches in plastic surgeries, the leeches help in the growth of new tissues and hence promotes fast recovery of the patient. Even with these benefits, there are some risks, there is a small chance of infection due to the digestive bacteria in the leeches saliva, and sometimes leeches hides under the skin of the patient. But these risks are worth taking. 

Have a great day :)      

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