Having raisins everyday will get you better!

dry grapes

Raisins are actually nothing but dried grapes. Are you aware that there are so many varieties of raisins, actually a dozen of them?. Originally raisins are used all the way back since 2000 bc in many parts of Egypt and Persia, the raisins are even mentioned in the bible. They are well used by our ancestors during hard times to solve food requirements. Well prepared raisins are good to be used for 6 months. These raisins are a house of enriched micronutrients. Raisins contain 72% sugar of their weight (Mostly in the form of fructose and glucose), 3% of protein, and 3.7-6.8% of dietary fiber. Stay home, stay safe.


An energy boost:

It is preferred to eat 5-6 raisins socked in water daily morning, before having anything. Sock them every night and have them daily. This improves digestion, immunity, energy level, and iron content in your body. The lower calories make them perfect for diabetes patients too.

Your super-simple habit to be energetic is to sock 5 raisins daily night and have them with the water that is socked in the next day morning.

Have a great day :)

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