If you're unable to get the No internet page, open a new tab and type chrome://dino and press enter.
How to play Chrome Dino Game
- Space Bar / Up: Jump (also to begin the game)
- Down: Duck
- Alt: Pause
The game enters a black background mode after every multiple of 700 points for the next one hundred points.
Lets Tweaking and Hacking the Chrome Dino Game
Let’s start…First press Ctrl+Shift+I and it will open the “Console” tab in Chrome DevTools.
Immortal Dino
let’s make the dino immortal. past the below code and press enterRunner.prototype.gameOver = function(){}
Speedy Dino
Then make your dino run fast. past the below code and press enter Runner.instance_.setSpeed(50)
Return to normal
When you want to stop the game and revert to the original game over functionRunner.prototype.gameOver = original
have a great day ;)