Does Charging your phones kills your battery?

Charge your smartphone like this and save your battery

With a lot of myths floating around the tech world, here is the right piece of information that will help you save your device's lithium-ion battery. The charging cycle of using the device from 100% to 10% and charging it again to 100% isn't gonna help your battery to last longer, it will actually help only if you are using a nickel-cadmium battery in your device. But modern smartphones and laptops are using lithium-ion batteries which are more efficient than the old generation batteries.      

The image and video below show us clearly about the lithium-ion battery and its charging

(Charging: electrons are attracted towards negative charge by charging)

( Image and video credit: Mrwhosetheboss (source: youtube) )

Tips that will help your battery:

  • Avoid charging your devices with a fast charger. This will avoid the heat generated while charging.
  • Don't use the phone when it is plugged into a charger.
  • Maintain your phone's battery between 30 to 90%.
  • Don't charge your phone overnight. This will not affect the battery directly but over the night after the battery is fully charged, the standby device will drain some amount of battery and the whole charging cycle takes place again and hence battery is damaged.
  • Maintain your device's temperature as low as possible.

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